Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Should We Do?

What does Jesus want us to do for the Sawi?

The Sawi were a primitive and tribal people who viewed cannibalism and betrayal as something good. What Jesus wants us to do is forget about their history and focus on their humanity. Who are we to judge someone for behaving in a particular manner, we must put aside our judgmental views and treat them as fellow humans while upholding our duties as a Christian. Jesus wants us to bring these people, who are in the dark, to the light by sharing with them the Gospel. We need to evangelize these people or else they will perish into the eternal fire that is hell. He wants us to do it because if we, Christians, do not then there is no one else who will be able to convey the fact that Jesus is our savior to them and if they don't even hear the Words then how will they be able to accept Jesus as their savior. The Sawi are fellow humans, our neighbors, and we must treat our neighbors in a manner we want to treated with. 

Also going back to the treating the Sawi like we treat ourselves, we must provide them with necessary aid such as food or medicine. These acts of kindness will melt frozen hearts that some may have and bring them into the light. Also while helping these people provides us with more believers, these people also get to live slightly easier with the help of the aid provided.

Jesus wants us to only share the Gospel with these people and if they want to accept him as Christ is their own decision. As long as we share the Gospel and make these people aware of the almighty God and his Son our duties are pretty much done. The next stage is to be a beacon of light for these people who when they look at us will start to believe that there is something different about us. We need to be role models for these people so that they can look upon us and behave like us instead of following their own barbaric traditions. 


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