Saturday, January 1, 2011

What Should We Do?

What do mission organization do for these people?

Mission organizations reach out to these people with aid and other necessaries to bring themselves to a position where they can be trusted and easily accepted by the people. When they reach this position the organizations start to spread the gospel and being converting these people, bringing them into Christianity.

This should be the case for every mission organization but I have seen some that only care for the support they are getting for doing something, even anything in the field. Sometimes they don't even do anything and forge evidence for the sake of getting money. I come from Nepal where there are a lot of Korean missionaries working, however only a handful actually have the welfare of the Nepalese in mind. There is one organization that claims that it is running a school for the poor children but in reality they gather up some homeless children, put them in a room and take pictures. They then send these pictures back claiming that they are indeed helping some people while they send the kids back with only a piece of bread or something less while they receive money that could actually help the kids.

However there are true missionaries who have love for people in their hearts. Don and Carol were true missionaries and were sent by their Church to preach to the Sawi and bring them to God's grace. What they did is what all mission organizations hope to do which is to shake the foundations of a society so hard that all their beliefs fall away as new foundations are set on which they can begin their lives anew. Missionaries and mission organizations have had and are having massive impacts on people wherever they go because they are able to do exactly that. Their method of establishing themselves as a benign force while helping them and winning their trust always lowers the native peoples' defenses. Then as the people lower their guard the missionaries strike with the double edged sword, the Word of God, and bring them into the light.

Without missionaries and mission organizations I would probably not be here right now writing this blog. Thanks to missionaries such as William Pettigrew and the missionaries from Darjeeling who brought Christianity to Manipur and Nepal, I am a Christian too.


African Globe Trotters. said...

Oh an absolutely excellent post! You really have a deep understanding of the value that missions bring into a culture. It is about eternity.

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